Sunday, August 10, 2008

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

There is a moment upon us, which will define the outcome of critical issues hanging in the balance. While the collective consciousness is awakening, the actions taken by those who wake are the factor that can either realize or undermine the final result toward freedom and liberty. Many want results now, but our journey is a long one and will require steady principled leadership and unwavering determination. And though there will surely be forces which will attempt to marginalize our efforts, history records virtue prevails over wickedness. Our great history has been built on our ability to follow spirit and truth; to lead by example; and in the case of the founding of our country, to never give up - no matter what the odds. These traditions are timeless FOR THEY ARE the lifeblood of any nation. Historically, man is indisposed, by the tendencies of some, to weather crises endured by many. And history is replete with examples of sufferages and fallen societies when these important values are lost. For the moral decay of any community is merely a symptom of the under-nourishment of the doctrine of ethics of that culture. There is not merit in opposing a foreign threat - whether it is fascism, communism, or terrorism - if in order to defeat that threat we must give up our essential liberties, values or ideals. And there is little value in succeeding over such evil at home if we cannot retain our rights to justice or freedom.

It is true that you may bring a candle into the darkest room and illuminate that darkness and the darkness will flee. However, you cannot do the converse - you cannot go into a room full of light and knowledge and prosperity with any amount of darkness to any affect. And that is true of our community, now that the public is aware of the darkness let us illuminate our entire house until we have caused the darkness to flee from every corner of our community. And it is true that greater than the force of mighty armies is the power of an idea whose time has come.

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Orange County Libertarian Party Updates

whats legal-eez?

Try looking up a term you thought you knew the meaning of, like "confiscate"