There is a moment upon us, which will define the outcome of critical issues hanging in the balance. While the collective consciousness is awakening, the actions taken by those who wake are the factor that can either realize or undermine the final result toward freedom and liberty. Many want results now, but our journey is a long one and will require steady principled leadership and unwavering determination. And though there will surely be forces which will attempt to marginalize our efforts, history records virtue prevails over wickedness. Our great history has been built on our ability to follow spirit and truth; to lead by example; and in the case of the founding of our country, to never give up - no matter what the odds. These traditions are timeless FOR THEY ARE the lifeblood of any nation. Historically, man is indisposed, by the tendencies of some, to weather crises endured by many. And history is replete with examples of sufferages and fallen societies when these important values are lost. For the moral decay of any community is merely a symptom of the under-nourishment of the doctrine of ethics of that culture. There is not merit in opposing a foreign threat - whether it is fascism, communism, or terrorism - if in order to defeat that threat we must give up our essential liberties, values or ideals. And there is little value in succeeding over such evil at home if we cannot retain our rights to justice or freedom.
It is true that you may bring a candle into the darkest room and illuminate that darkness and the darkness will flee. However, you cannot do the converse - you cannot go into a room full of light and knowledge and prosperity with any amount of darkness to any affect. And that is true of our community, now that the public is aware of the darkness let us illuminate our entire house until we have caused the darkness to flee from every corner of our community. And it is true that greater than the force of mighty armies is the power of an idea whose time has come.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Opposites and Liberty
To me, when this person refers to inevitable judgment striking down the wicked, it is the same as realizing that a corrupt people will eventually hurt one another so badly that they will destroy themselves. But I don't believe that our day of reckoning is at hand, nor do I believe that there are too few principled people to make a difference, however, I do believe that it must be us who replenish the earth (of knowledge and principle - and thus integrity). A person acting against another, whether they speak out or take up arms, may be acting upon their very similar emotion while failing to realize the common bond of the two polar opposites. The one thing that we all are interested in preserving, rooted in our traditional American culture; rights - to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We're mislead when we tend to confuse, what I call, the 3 points of the 'liberty triangle'. Liberty in itself simply means freedom - so, how is it, that countries such as Peru, Venezeula, Ecuador, El Salvador, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Jamaica and now others, have been fooled into giving up their general welfare for what the US calls 'Liberty'? (They know they've been screwed the US merely by the change in their standard of living - just as we've now begun to feel, even in America)
It's because they (and we) were given 'liberty' but not the kind that our founders spoke and wrote of.
Equating this version of 'Liberty', to what our founders called Liberty, is a fallacy. When Government has all the freedom they have complete control over the people, complete Governmental liberty, and what is usually called SOCIALISM (which is what Communism is). When Businesses rule by charter, without Gov't, they have economic control over the people, complete Corporate liberty, and what is called Corporatism. --- And when the two share the rule over the people you have a division of power, like Mussolini's State of Fascism, or what we've closely come to resemble in America, what is called Fascism. Now, that covers 2 of the 3 points of the triangle, and one side (the side furthest away from the other, last point). The last point of the triangle, is the point of Individual Liberty; which is the type of Liberty America's Constitution is intended to represent. As well, as the other founding documents. The Bill of Rights, rests on the principle of consent of the governed, and the Declaration of Independence rest on the principle of Natural Law. However, our culture has been corrupted - by the disease of immorality - we now fail to base our day-to-day decisions on our principles, but it is these principles which is ingrained in our culture. These foundations are of the most admirable man has ever conceived and last chain that must be broken before we lose our culture (and everything America fought and stood for) is lost. Without these principle, the free world and all concepts of fairness could not stand. It is these foundations, that we must bring all fighting and opposing sides back to, as these are the common roots for us. The conflicts before us are illusions, put there by manipulators and designed to create allegiance to one - when in reality there is no other higher power.
It's because they (and we) were given 'liberty' but not the kind that our founders spoke and wrote of.
Equating this version of 'Liberty', to what our founders called Liberty, is a fallacy. When Government has all the freedom they have complete control over the people, complete Governmental liberty, and what is usually called SOCIALISM (which is what Communism is). When Businesses rule by charter, without Gov't, they have economic control over the people, complete Corporate liberty, and what is called Corporatism. --- And when the two share the rule over the people you have a division of power, like Mussolini's State of Fascism, or what we've closely come to resemble in America, what is called Fascism. Now, that covers 2 of the 3 points of the triangle, and one side (the side furthest away from the other, last point). The last point of the triangle, is the point of Individual Liberty; which is the type of Liberty America's Constitution is intended to represent. As well, as the other founding documents. The Bill of Rights, rests on the principle of consent of the governed, and the Declaration of Independence rest on the principle of Natural Law. However, our culture has been corrupted - by the disease of immorality - we now fail to base our day-to-day decisions on our principles, but it is these principles which is ingrained in our culture. These foundations are of the most admirable man has ever conceived and last chain that must be broken before we lose our culture (and everything America fought and stood for) is lost. Without these principle, the free world and all concepts of fairness could not stand. It is these foundations, that we must bring all fighting and opposing sides back to, as these are the common roots for us. The conflicts before us are illusions, put there by manipulators and designed to create allegiance to one - when in reality there is no other higher power.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Tyrannis Unim Per Pluris Seculum Carnotum
"If you're upset about costs rising, your liberty being lost, and being kicked around like a chump then maybe it's time to start to examining the problems."
Latin Heading: Tyrannus Unus Per Carnotense Plures (One Tyrant of divided Charters)
Today, through twisted logic we've been sold dreams of security and prosperity that we would be made more efficient and free to do as we wish if we'd just give up a couple unneeded liberties a few tax dollars - and who wouldn't. With the attractive packages of socialized loss, and such so-called charitable causes for these programs, only someone without a heart would defy. Though now we clearly see the systems our parents and grandparents authorized are being abused so much to the point that even our founding documents are seemingly invalid and the act of disregarding them is inconsequential. All in the name of the greater good - majority rules. In America today, businesses must compete in an increasingly ambitious environment of production efficiency, targeted marketing and corporate consolidations. This natural course is drawn from the demand of consumers and the interests of the business entities themselves. Meanwhile, the American values and traditions have been dying. Essentially, society has, therefore, been trading the Natural Law, which freed this nation from the oppressive British Monarchy, for Corporate Law, which has brought us to a point where we can see the full circle now in view.
More liberty is better, right? Not so fast. I am the first to try to identify with this, however, recognize that it is not only the individual but also corporations and government entities which grasp for liberty. The liberation of laissez fare policies for corporate interests, even governments are attempting claim that they have 'rights' instead of privileges. The aim of Trans National Corporate agendas is simple. More profit. What they sell to you is that along with the deregulation and loosening of corporate law, you'll be provided a more competitive product. This begun only recently, in the mid to late 1800s when chartering regulations were relaxed, providing more 'Corporation friendly' laws. However, the truth is, if you think about it; what will the realistic outcome be? Already, we've seen the beginning of this played out in practice. When was the last time you we're upset about the 'personalized service' you received from a corporate establishment? Do they not treat you like a number? Can you get personal service? Do the Reps really care about you? Now, if we are relaxing the laws which govern their conduct (i.e. where they can outsource jobs to, where funds and accounts must be held, or if they have to contribute to our area at all); then, are we not cheating our selves? In essence, what is happening is the aristocracy of the crown has been replace by an aristocracy which has no particular state of residence. The dominators of the world are able to travel and hide out anywhere, and we have given them the essence of value. We've sold ourselves out, for no good reason, and haven't even taken the time to realize why we've done it. If you're upset about costs rising, your liberty being lost, and being kicked around like a chump then maybe it's time to start to examining the problems.
First off, the new motto of fairness seems to be 'unity and fairness', and it sounds great. So why is our nation being bankrupted? Well, it goes into deep seeded economic policies and as always if we want to get the truth we need to look at history. However, it's really just simple as this - if we're treating India, China and the Polynesian Islands, all as fairly as we treat our children, then it stands to reason that the wealth our grandfathers father had will not be passed down. our founders departed from the British School and formed what was known as the American School of Economics, which included three cardinal policy points:
1. Support industry: The advocacy of protectionism, and opposition to free trade - particularly for the protection of "infant industries" and those facing import competition from abroad. Examples: Tariff of 1816 and Morrill Tariff
2. Create physical infrastructure: Government finance of Internal improvements to speed commerce and develop industry. This involved the regulation of privately held infrastructure, to ensure that it meets the nation's needs. Examples: Cumberland Road and Union Pacific Railroad
3. Create financial infrastructure: A government sponsored National Bank to issue currency and encourage commerce. This involved the use of sovereign powers for the regulation of credit to encourage the development of the economy, and to deter speculation. Examples: First Bank of the United States, Second Bank of the United States, and National Banking Act[12]
Wow! Can you believe that? Our founding policies were OPPOSED to free trade. Think about why - they wanted to keep the employment rates up and discourage people from exporting too much of their wealth. By imposing tariffs on foreign goods people would then be persuaded to buy American made, thus promoting domestic industry. Pretty smart, huh.
Latin Heading: Tyrannus Unus Per Carnotense Plures (One Tyrant of divided Charters)
Today, through twisted logic we've been sold dreams of security and prosperity that we would be made more efficient and free to do as we wish if we'd just give up a couple unneeded liberties a few tax dollars - and who wouldn't. With the attractive packages of socialized loss, and such so-called charitable causes for these programs, only someone without a heart would defy. Though now we clearly see the systems our parents and grandparents authorized are being abused so much to the point that even our founding documents are seemingly invalid and the act of disregarding them is inconsequential. All in the name of the greater good - majority rules. In America today, businesses must compete in an increasingly ambitious environment of production efficiency, targeted marketing and corporate consolidations. This natural course is drawn from the demand of consumers and the interests of the business entities themselves. Meanwhile, the American values and traditions have been dying. Essentially, society has, therefore, been trading the Natural Law, which freed this nation from the oppressive British Monarchy, for Corporate Law, which has brought us to a point where we can see the full circle now in view.
More liberty is better, right? Not so fast. I am the first to try to identify with this, however, recognize that it is not only the individual but also corporations and government entities which grasp for liberty. The liberation of laissez fare policies for corporate interests, even governments are attempting claim that they have 'rights' instead of privileges. The aim of Trans National Corporate agendas is simple. More profit. What they sell to you is that along with the deregulation and loosening of corporate law, you'll be provided a more competitive product. This begun only recently, in the mid to late 1800s when chartering regulations were relaxed, providing more 'Corporation friendly' laws. However, the truth is, if you think about it; what will the realistic outcome be? Already, we've seen the beginning of this played out in practice. When was the last time you we're upset about the 'personalized service' you received from a corporate establishment? Do they not treat you like a number? Can you get personal service? Do the Reps really care about you? Now, if we are relaxing the laws which govern their conduct (i.e. where they can outsource jobs to, where funds and accounts must be held, or if they have to contribute to our area at all); then, are we not cheating our selves? In essence, what is happening is the aristocracy of the crown has been replace by an aristocracy which has no particular state of residence. The dominators of the world are able to travel and hide out anywhere, and we have given them the essence of value. We've sold ourselves out, for no good reason, and haven't even taken the time to realize why we've done it. If you're upset about costs rising, your liberty being lost, and being kicked around like a chump then maybe it's time to start to examining the problems.
First off, the new motto of fairness seems to be 'unity and fairness', and it sounds great. So why is our nation being bankrupted? Well, it goes into deep seeded economic policies and as always if we want to get the truth we need to look at history. However, it's really just simple as this - if we're treating India, China and the Polynesian Islands, all as fairly as we treat our children, then it stands to reason that the wealth our grandfathers father had will not be passed down. our founders departed from the British School and formed what was known as the American School of Economics, which included three cardinal policy points:
1. Support industry: The advocacy of protectionism, and opposition to free trade - particularly for the protection of "infant industries" and those facing import competition from abroad. Examples: Tariff of 1816 and Morrill Tariff
2. Create physical infrastructure: Government finance of Internal improvements to speed commerce and develop industry. This involved the regulation of privately held infrastructure, to ensure that it meets the nation's needs. Examples: Cumberland Road and Union Pacific Railroad
3. Create financial infrastructure: A government sponsored National Bank to issue currency and encourage commerce. This involved the use of sovereign powers for the regulation of credit to encourage the development of the economy, and to deter speculation. Examples: First Bank of the United States, Second Bank of the United States, and National Banking Act[12]
Wow! Can you believe that? Our founding policies were OPPOSED to free trade. Think about why - they wanted to keep the employment rates up and discourage people from exporting too much of their wealth. By imposing tariffs on foreign goods people would then be persuaded to buy American made, thus promoting domestic industry. Pretty smart, huh.
Do you wish you could free yourself from the crunch of rising gas, food and living costs?
With the way the cost of living is progressing, doesn't it seem that it's becoming harder and harder for the 'regular American' to make it? I mean, first, we had the dot com bubble, then stocks got hit and then the mortgage bubble - it's like a chain reaction! Well, Mr. Moneybags you say it doesn't effect you... then let us see about who it benefits, so we can figure who it really hurts. I know, I know - you already know it all - but what would you say if I told you that you could double your annual income, as well as the income of your spouse, your children and their children? - Pretty skeptical, huh. Well, if you don't think it's possible then go away, stop reading immediately and go back to your work, or TV, or whatever. The truth is that this is all actually being stolen from you without you even realizing it, via economic slight of hand.
Would you be surprised to find out that this all has been done with the aid of politicians, lawyers and bankers? I know... I thought the people in these professions were leading honest lives, too! After the mortgage bubble we saw food costs go up as banks began to fail and were infused with billions and finally minimum wages were raised. So who got the worst part of the deal? The poor minimum wage people, right? How can someone even survive on that much money!
Without boring you with too many details, I'll try to breakdown exactly how this works; When new credit/money is created who get it first? The government, and banks, because they make it. Then, basically they get to spend it on whatever they want - which is often contracts for the good 'ol boys. Then, as then money passes hands the effects of inflation gradually work their way throughout the economy diluting the overall pool of value we all share. So, when trade commenced with that first new dollar, no dilution had occurred, thus that dollar was able to buy a gallon for 1.50 and milk for .99, so you see it, unfortunately, effects everybody - except for the people who use it first. So, while you may think that inflating real estate or gold prices are good because it aides the appreciation of your assets, all it really does is curb your losses to some degree. Thus, you are not losing as much as most poor people, and you might get to take advantage of that little pedestal you're standing on, but what you don't see is that someone is doing the very same thing to you. Which follows all the way up the line, straight to the good 'ol boys who're reaming all of us.
I'll let that sink in, while I write my next post - where I'll address the options for solutions.
Would you be surprised to find out that this all has been done with the aid of politicians, lawyers and bankers? I know... I thought the people in these professions were leading honest lives, too! After the mortgage bubble we saw food costs go up as banks began to fail and were infused with billions and finally minimum wages were raised. So who got the worst part of the deal? The poor minimum wage people, right? How can someone even survive on that much money!
Without boring you with too many details, I'll try to breakdown exactly how this works; When new credit/money is created who get it first? The government, and banks, because they make it. Then, basically they get to spend it on whatever they want - which is often contracts for the good 'ol boys. Then, as then money passes hands the effects of inflation gradually work their way throughout the economy diluting the overall pool of value we all share. So, when trade commenced with that first new dollar, no dilution had occurred, thus that dollar was able to buy a gallon for 1.50 and milk for .99, so you see it, unfortunately, effects everybody - except for the people who use it first. So, while you may think that inflating real estate or gold prices are good because it aides the appreciation of your assets, all it really does is curb your losses to some degree. Thus, you are not losing as much as most poor people, and you might get to take advantage of that little pedestal you're standing on, but what you don't see is that someone is doing the very same thing to you. Which follows all the way up the line, straight to the good 'ol boys who're reaming all of us.
I'll let that sink in, while I write my next post - where I'll address the options for solutions.
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